Global AI Conclave Introduces Leading Speaker Mahesh: A Comprehensive Guide

Andrew Ng’s Fresh View on AI Landscape and Opportunities

global AI conclave
  • Andrew Ng suggests breaking down a particular job into individual tasks to identify which tasks can be enhanced with AI during the Global AI Conclave LIVE.
  • US Leadership in AI: “The United States clearly holds a prominent position in the field of AI compared to other nations.”
  • Silicon Valley Dominance in Deep Tech AI: “Deep tech generative AI is highly concentrated within the boundaries of Silicon Valley.”
  • India’s Potential in Gen AI: “India possesses substantial infrastructure, skilling initiatives, and more, which positions it to emerge as a frontrunner in Gen AI.”
  • Importance of Application Layer: “The application layer, which is built upon AI technology, holds equal significance to the underlying technology layer in terms of usefulness.”
  • AI Fund’s Focus on India: “The AI fund is actively engaged in exploring opportunities within the Indian market.”
  • Criticality of AI Applications: “While there is significant emphasis on AI infrastructure by major players like Google, the true success and profitability lie in the development of applications that utilize this infrastructure.”
  • Reflections on OpenAI: “OpenAI would have potentially fared better if it had adopted a conventional for-profit organizational structure, as their current corporate setup has led to internal conflicts within the boardroom.”
  • Realistic Job Impact of AI: “Contrary to the extensive discussions surrounding job displacement caused by AI, the actual number of jobs affected is considerably lower.”
  • With the AI market experiencing continuous growth, businesses worldwide are intensifying their efforts to take advantage of its progress.

Insights from Global AI Conclave 2023: Mahesh Makhija’s Visionary Impact

According to a forecast made by Goldman Sachs, global investment in AI is expected to reach approximately $200 billion by 2025. As a result, it has become crucial for businesses to fully embrace AI and incorporate it into their operations to achieve significant impact.

EY is one of the companies leading this revolution. They have introduced, a unified artificial intelligence platform that provides customized AI-powered business solutions to accelerate growth. This platform offers comprehensive AI ecosystems and tools for various sectors such as consumer products, banking, and telecommunications, with a focus on areas like product design, security, and operations.

In India, is making a significant impact under the guidance of Mahesh Makhija, Partner and Technology Consulting Leader at EY India. Mahesh’s expertise in technological innovation enables him to assist businesses in expediting their digital transformation journey across multiple sectors. Over the past decade, he has successfully overseen notable IT strategy and business transformation initiatives within the global financial services landscape.

Mahesh emphasizes the importance of businesses embracing emerging technologies as a means to enhance performance, mitigate risk, and foster innovation. As a prominent speaker at the CNBC-TV18 & Moneycontrol Global AI Conclave 2023, he will share his valuable insights on how Generative AI influences the Indian business ecosystem.

Exploring AI Frontiers: Global AI Conclave 2023’s Visionary Discourse

EY India, as the key knowledge partner of the Global AI Conclave 2023, plays a crucial role in creating an environment rich in knowledge and understanding of the impact of AI on consumer behavior and business operations.

The Global AI Conclave is a groundbreaking platform that brings together visionaries, experts, and enthusiasts in the field of artificial intelligence. With over 15 sessions led by influential AI voices from India and around the world, the conclave offers a unique opportunity to delve deep into the profound impact of AI on various aspects such as enterprise growth, cybersecurity, governance, investments, digital transformation, and much more.

The AI Conclave’s program will encompass important subjects such as exploring the potential of AI in India, navigating the ethical aspects of AI regulations, ensuring future security through AI and security measures, driving growth in saturated markets through strategic AI applications, and influencing the future of industries through AI in digital transformations.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be part of the AI revolution! Experience discussions that will shape the future of AI at the Palo Alto Networks Presents CNBC-TV18 Moneycontrol Global AI Conclave. With EY as the Knowledge Partner and Google, Yotta Infrastructure, and Reliance Industries Limited as Associate Partners, alongside Townhall as the Technology Partner, this event is a must-attend.
